Need braces but are put off by the metal and the wires? Invisalign braces are the answer. We regularly treat patients from 16 to over 60, so age is not an issue. The results we see are amazing. Take a look at our Invisalign Patient stories.
- Do you have teeth that you feel are crooked and spoil your smile?
- Do you get put off by unsightly metal braces?
- Do you feel self-conscious when smiling for photographs?
- Do you think you may be too old for braces but really want a straight smile?
- Do you want to feel more youthful and confident?
If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, Invisalign could be the treatment you’re looking for!
Use Invisalign’s smileview to see what your smile can look like. Click here
Starting your journey is simple. Fill in your details and we will get in touch with you.